Donate to Economics

The Department of Economics benefits from the generosity of friends, like you, who share in our commitment to excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. With your support, we will continue to transform the lives of our students.

Economics Annual Fund

Contributions to this fund are added to an endowment, the proceeds of which support recurrent research-related expenses, including undergraduate Research Assistantships, the Department's seminar series, student and faculty conference travel, and others.

Fund ID
Gift Amounts

Werner Baer Scholarship

This fund has been created in honor of Professor Werner Baer, who has been engaged in promoting the modernization of the Economic profession in many Latin American and other countries, and who is the founder of our Department's Masters in Policy Economics program. Contributions to this fund are added to an endowment, the proceeds of which fund graduate studies of international students in our Department.

Fund ID
Gift Amounts

Fred M. Gottheil Faculty Award

This faculty award is being endowed in honor of Fred M. Gottheil, a long time faculty member in the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Contributions to this fund are added to an endowment, the proceeds of which will be awarded to faculty teaching either undergraduate or graduate courses with preference given to tenure-track faculty members.

Fund ID
Gift Amounts

To make a gift, select the amount for the fund(s) you wish to support, then click the “Continue” button below. You will be directed to the University of Illinois Foundation’s secure online giving site for your personal and credit card information. To clear all inputs and selections click "Start over."

Economics Annual Fund

Contributions to this fund are added to an endowment, the proceeds of which support recurrent research-related expenses, including undergraduate Research Assistantships, the Department's seminar series, student and faculty conference travel, and others.

Gift amount

Werner Baer Scholarship

This fund has been created in honor of Professor Werner Baer, who has been engaged in promoting the modernization of the Economic profession in many Latin American and other countries, and who is the founder of our Department's Masters in Policy Economics program. Contributions to this fund are added to an endowment, the proceeds of which fund graduate studies of international students in our Department.

Gift amount

Fred M. Gottheil Faculty Award

This faculty award is being endowed in honor of Fred M. Gottheil, a long time faculty member in the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Contributions to this fund are added to an endowment, the proceeds of which will be awarded to faculty teaching either undergraduate or graduate courses with preference given to tenure-track faculty members.

Gift amount
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