08/09/2018 - Steven Thayer (ECON '88), received the 2018 Chicago Illini of the Year Award at a dinner in Chicago. Thayer is a founding partner of the Chicago-based law firm Handler Thayer, and serves as chairman...
08/09/2018 - The STEM designation allows MSPE graduates, who participate in Optional Practical Training (OPT) with an employer in the United States, to file a request for a two-year extension to the normal one...
07/24/2018 - José Cantero Sienra (MSPE '00), Economist, has been appointed as a Full Member of the Board of the Central Bank of Paraguay on July 28, 2017, for a period of five years. He holds...
06/26/2018 - The Department is pleased to announce the annual Morris and Sally Kleiner Labor Economics Prize, funded by a generous donation by Morris M. Kleiner (Ph.D. Economics, M.A. Labor and...
07/11/2017 - The research on stock volatility of Gustavo Cortes, an Econ doctoral candidate, has been covered in this recent ...
Economics professor Marcelo Cunha Medeiros was named the Jorge Paulo Lemann Chair in Brazilian Economy in a recent ceremony. While he joined the faculty of the University of Illinois less than a...