The first field trip of the 2022-2023 academic year took us to Chicago to visit Deloitte on September 23. Deloitte provides audit, tax consulting, enterprise risk, and financial advisory services worldwide. Nicola Lostumbo, Kaveh Nafari and Taylor Ganan, all of whom are alumnae of the University of Illinois, explained the concept of transfer pricing, and how it is critically important for multinational corporations in determining both their tax liabilities and profits attributed to the individual units. On account of the growing number of laws related to international trade and the ever evolving complexity of international tax agreements, demand for transfer pricing has increased. Multinationals are not the only firms that seek Deloitte’s services; surprisingly, a fair number of Deloitte’s clients are domestic US firms with branches in different states. In addition to explaining the concept and importance of transfer pricing, the presenters discussed the process by which Deloitte comes up with its report and recommendations to a client. For those looking for future employment at Deloitte, the presenters explained that being able to work in a team setting is essential and that on-the-job learning is more important than university courses.