Vacation/Sick Leave Reporting

All Academic Professionals (Facult/Staff APs) must report their Vacation and Sick Leave each quarter through our online reporting system. The system should also provide employees with updated balances.

Vacation/Sick Leave Reporting System

Report your leave on the Vacation/Sick Leave Website for each quarter. You will receive an email from the Department when it is time to report each quarter (see the reporting schedule below).



Q1: August 16 - November 15
Q2: November 16 - February 15
Q3: February 16 - May 15
Q4: May 16 - August 15

  1. Employee enters their time in the system each quarter (either entering as it is taken, or completing at the end of the quarter when prompted)
  2. Supervisor will approve time at the end of each quarter
  3. Initial reports submitted annually after May 15th by Departmental HR
  4. Final reports submitted annually after Aug. 15th by Departmental HR