Enrichment activities enhance a student’s educational experience and are an integral part of the MSPE Program. The variety and quality of unique services we provide our students go beyond those found in traditional academic programs.
Orientation: The week prior to the start of the fall semester, incoming MSPE students participate in a mandatory orientation program. During orientation students have an opportunity to get to know the other students in the program, learn more specifics about their course of study, and the campus. Details regarding registration, university services, and an explanation of the many opportunities and services available to students are provided.
Intensive Math Course: The intensive math course is conducted as part of the orientation program. It serves as a refresher of the math content that will be utilized during the students’ courses in this program.
Academic Advising: The program has an academic advisor with an open-door policy that allows the students to drop by his office at their convenience. Students can discuss their academic questions with him and re-optimize their program of study on a continual basis. The academic advisor also provides guidance on study plans beyond graduation and provides support in achieving them.
Course Support: The program hires three assistant instructors to meet with students in core courses for an additional hour and a half each week to discuss material covered by the faculty teaching those courses. The assistant instructors are also available one to two hours each day to work with students having difficulty in their course work. For students needing additional help, the program provides them with special tutorial sessions.
Nonacademic Assistance: Program staff are available to assist students with their nonacademic questions as they arise during their stay at the university.
Career Assistance: The Department of Economics’ Career Center offers workshops each semester to prepare students for all aspects of the internship and career search process. The career coordinator is available to discuss one’s individual pursuits.
Seminars: Internationally-known scholars are invited to campus to present special policy-oriented seminars for MSPE students.
Field Trips: Students can participate in any of the four to six trips each academic year to observe the operation of various financial institutions, modern industrial production facilities, federal and state government agencies, and international institutions. One of these trips is a five-day trip that occurs over spring break and alternates between Washington, DC and New York City. The other five trips are one to two days in duration to cities located in the Midwest.
Social Events: These include picnics, special luncheons, holiday parties, and graduation dinners.
Lounge: The program maintains a lounge for MSPE students, which provides a place for students to relax, socialize with their peers, and enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee or tea. A number of computers with internet access as well as economic newspapers and magazines are available for the benefit of the students.