The STEM designation allows international students to obtain three years of Optional Practical Training in order to work in the U.S. private sector. For more information on the OPT STEM, visit the International Student and Scholar Services website.
The core and elective curriculum provides a strong background in econometric methods for doing empirical work with large administrative data sets.
For the areas of specialization, a variety of courses in applied microeconomics and applied macroeconomics.
The courses are taught by the best instructors from the department's regular faculty.
Students have access to courses in other professional master’s programs on campus, particularly Finance and Statistics.
For the core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, statistics, and econometrics, four teaching assistants, chosen from the best Ph.D. students, provide discussion sections, office hours, and some tutoring.
Flexibility in completing the program over one year (and a summer), one and half years (without a summer), or extending over two years to take more elective coursework. Visit our Plan of Study page.
The Ph.D. Track allows well-prepared students to take the Ph.D. core courses over two years and transfer into the Ph.D. program after graduating from the MSPE Program and passing the Ph.D. qualifying exams. Offering Ph.D. level courses as substitutes for certain master's level courses.
The program has devoted academic advisors and an experienced and friendly administrative staff to help students with curricular and administrative problems.
The program has a variety of extracurricular activities including field trips, seminars, and social events.
The MSPE office has a lounge for students to take lunch and coffee breaks between classes.
The MSPE office and classrooms are integrated within the space occupied by the Department of Economics on the first three floors of David Kinley Hall.
Adjacent to David Kinley are the University's Main Library and Undergraduate Library , each with pleasant reading rooms and study rooms.
The distinguished alumni include ministers of finance, governors of central banks, directors of government agencies, senior economists in the public and private sectors, professors, and successful entrepreneurs.
The University and Champaign-Urbana community has a wide variety of student organizations for social or religious events.